Barnes Computer Specialist
Barnes Computer Specialist

Kirk Barnes-Owner
Camarillo, CA 93010 USA

My company "Barnes Computer Specialist" was created to:

1. Help people by repairing their computer problems,
2. Provide technical information and computer page links,
3. Provide technical support to business, and the home,
4. Provide income to help me to do all the above support.

For a list of services my company provides click Services, and click Agreements to find more information and pricing, or e-mail me by clicking Contact Info or use the phone number below.

Home Service Call

Repair common problems:
* Hardware: CD, scanner, audio, etc.
* Software: System slow, Virus, etc.
* Printers: Queue clearing, errors,
* Small network: sharing, connection
* Internet connection (DSL, Modem)

* New HW: DVD, scanner, memory, etc.
* Network installs including wireless.
* DSL, cable modem, dial-up internet.

Maintenance performed:
* (P.C.’s) Windows Optimization
* Hard Drive Utilities: Scandisk, Defrag.
* Update Virus Protection files,
* Run Virus scan on all drives.
* Data backup (backup before visit).
* Clean computer inside from dust, etc.

Business Maintenance Contract

On-Site Contract Services include:
* On-call for repair issues (by 4 hr. max. business days).
* Technical support HW, SW issues (callbacks by 4 hours).

Repair common problems:
* Hardware: CD, scanner, audio, etc.
* Software: System slow, Virus, etc.
* Printers: Queue clearing, errors,
* Network problems: sharing, connection
* Internet connection (DSL, Modem)

* New HW: DVD, scanner, memory, etc.
* Network installs including wireless.
* New Computer connection to network,
* DSL, cable modem, dial-up internet.

On-Site Maintenance:
* Windows Optimization (remove net, and tmp files),
* Hard Drive Utilities: Scandisk (marks good sectors),
* Defrag (organizes memory access), (Update Virus Protection files, run Virus scan.
Data backup (must backup before initial visit).
* Cleaning inside computer case from dust, etc.

© Kirk Barnes Updated September 15, 2006

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