Celebrity Computer Consulting
Celebrity Computer Consulting
17216 Saticoy St. #425
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Telephone: (818) 926-4472

Celebrity Computer Consulting. I have over 18 years of professional computer experience and another 15 years of amateur experience prior to that. I took my first computer programming class in 1976 and fell in love with it at once. If I worked at a place with a computer, I would find out how it worked and end up doing some kind of programming on it, even though my job might have had nothing to do with computers.

It wasn't until the beginning of the 1980's that computers came to the home, and I've had them in my house ever since. That's right, I go back to the days when Bill Gates was a kid that dropped out of college to start a little company called Microsoft and Steve Jobs was just a hippie that hooked up with Steve Wozniak to form Apple Computer.

In my professional experience, I worked for Symantec Corporation for over 13 years. My main expertise is software development. I have also worked for a web hosting company, and other software related companies. On the side, I've done consulting work for people all along and started Celebrity Computer Consulting officially in 2005.

We offer a wide range of computer services to our customers. Below is a fairly comprehensive list. If you have other needs not listed here, plese feel free to contact us as we may still be able to handle it for you.

* General computer help and training.
* Broadband internet installation
* Wireless network installation.
* Wired network installation.
* Hardware installtion and upgrade.
* Software installation and upgrade
* Website development, hosting, and management.
* Custom software programming.
* Virus/Spyware detection and removal.
* Open source OS and software solutions.
* General computer education
* Software and hardware installation
* Home and business networking
* Website development
* Custom software development
* PC repair and upgrade

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